Complaints & Compliments Have a question? Try finding the answer in FAQ section instead Do you have a complaint or simply pay a compliment? Submit a complaint in writing via this form. Complaints are registered and processed by us. The more details you can give us, the faster we settle your complaint.
Personal Information
First Name *
Last Name *
You have to provide one of following contact details so we can send you a reference number. If we need information, give us your number to follow up. do you prefer no telephone contact? then leave this field empty.
E-mail *
Phone Number
Complaint Description
Category *
Regarding *
Event Date *
Estimating time of day
Where did this happen? *
Bus Number *
Traveling from:
Traveling to:
Description of the complaint *
Want to be kept update? *
Yes, keep me updated
No thank you
Complaints procedure
We strive to respond to your complaint as quickly and carefully as possible. Once you have filled in the form, you will receive a reference number for tracking. Once the complaint is resolved, you will be notified of the outcome. Hearings and rebuttals (where applicable) is of course confidential.
Settlement time
Depending on the complaint category, the procedure can take up to 14 working days. Should we require more information from you during this time, the settlement may be moved out depending on the investigation
Track Complaint
If you have logged a complaint recently, you can enter the reference number you received here to track the status
Customer Services
Contact Us
Toll-free number:
0800 65 64 63
General Enquiries:
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